Thursday, May 6, 2010

Memory 6: We talk about punctuality

I cldnt update for the past few days cause damn busy with some stuff plus i am just too tired sometimes hahaha. Hopefully by now not ALL of you lost interest in reading all these "rubbish" lol.

Today we are gonna talk about punctuality, something that ALOT of people have difficulty coping with. I dont really know about how you all feel about it, but i am always the idiot that is waiting for everyone else so i get very irritated. To me, punctuality is one of the few values that truly determine what kind of person you really are. If you are unable to accomplish such a simple thing like being on time for a meeting/gathering, then how is your boss suppose to trust you to hand in your projects/work on time in the future? Yup you can say, "aiya late for gathering only wat, nothing much, of course work all these i will make it on time la". However sometimes its really outrageous, being late once in awhile is fine, but being late almost EVERYTIME means there is something wrong with your character. It just goes to show that you don't give a shit about being on time for simple things and you dont care if everyone else is waiting for you, how sure are you that you can be punctual for more important tasks?

Of course i personally allow "buffer time" when i meet others, i understand sometimes its the traffic light or just so happens the train waiting time and stuff. For me its usually at the very very most 10-15 mins, depending on the meeting location also. I am usually the "early bird" of my friends, if the meeting time is 10, i will be there at around 945. Call me "kiasu" if you want, but i dont like to make others wait. But recently i broke my record for 100% punctuality, i was "accidentally" late for 5 mins while everyone was there already. Luckily i was meeting my army friends so they know my style quite well, when i reached they all asked me "what the hell happen sia, you eat wrong medicine today ah haha". You see, being punctual gives your friends and peers a sense of reassurance. I know the main reasons why people come late because they think that the rest will be late also or they want to be the last to arrive so that they dont have to wait for others, which i think are the most stupid excuses no matter how much you want to argue. If everyone is always punctual, then those excuses wont even arise in the first place right? And it starts because one of you just wants to be late everytime then it starts a vicious cycle for everyone else. But for my army friends and those who know me well enough, they are confident that they will not be kept waiting for long if they are meeting me, or rather i will be the one waiting for them, some of them even come earlier just to meet me hahahaha. I really appreciate these kind of people though even if you want to call them crazy or gay or whatever nicknames.

This is not only for meetings/gatherings, also applicable for work related matters. When i give my friends a deadline which i can submit my work to them, they dont even bother chasing me for it cause they know i will surely make it. I am not trying to brag here, just trying to bring the point across (i know you guys just assume that i am ego right basket). Sometimes i really feel like telling those late comers to meet 1 or 2 hours before the actual meeting time so i can make them suffer zzz.

So next time if i scold you for being late, stop blaming me or asking me to "chill la relax". I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU, i wont scold you unless you are always late anyway. Being punctual is one big step in accomplishing "time management", which is also something that everyone has a problem with. With proper time management skills, you are sure to be successful in whatever you want to achieve (e.g. academics, work, etc). It helps in character development too, giving everyone else a better image of you. So start being punctual TODAY, and i ensure that you have a BRIGHTER TOMORROW!

- Ordinary people join the cycle, extraordinary ones break out of it and create a better one -