Sunday, April 25, 2010

Memory 1: We talk about people whom we see differently from us

First of all, i created this blog because i really nothing else better to do, and i just wanna share certain things that people always wonder. So if u got any comments just comment on the post, apparently i cant transfer my tagboard cause i suck at HTML.

Everything will be in "GP" format, P.R.E as far as possible, although i doubt i will be able to consistently follow that format. This is for those who have A levels this yr to get used to the format (HAHA I DOUBT IT HELPS). And please read the disclaimer at the top before continuing to read the rest.

And for every topic i talk about in each post, lets name the topic memory. partly cause its easier for me to type one word instead of repeating the whole phrase.

Today i shall talk about people whom we SEE different from ourselves. In layman's term - those who have different frequency from us. when i mean US, most of the time is in the perspective of yourself and ur own grp of good friends, not me and you (i bet sure got ppl think is me and them). Most common scenarios would be when u are going out with a grp of good friends then among the group there are 1 or 2 not so close ones that just "shun bian" or so happen to join u guys for probably dinner or something. Then things start to get weird when the topics between the "weirdo" and everyone else is completely opposite or not linked at all. Another case would be people who behave/act/think differently in the same situation (e.g. everyone is playing sports and the "weirdo" is playing video games at one corner or 2 ppl sharing completely opposite opinions on a simple subject, just to state a random case totally no link to myself or any1 around me).

In this kind of memory, i pressume a normal person would be thinking "this guy is just a freaking weirdo, what the hell is he doing/saying?" or "can this guy just get lost, damn irritating". of course there are nicer people who just tolerate or even accept them as part of the group. In my opinion, we think this way because we are not used to people who are different from ourselves, when i mean different i mean in terms of anything - opinions, interests, etc. yes u can tell me that u already know of this theory or whatsoever, but do we constantly every give a thought about it before? I personally do not blame ppl for not doing so because its extremely hard esp for extremely "different" ppl. We must remember this post is based on MY opinion, its open for discuss but of course dun flame me or antyhing haha. Back to the point, we are unable to accept their difference not only because we are not used to it, but also because the fact that we naturally assume that everyone around us share the same thinking, whether is it due to same education system or same generation thinking. As humans, we also hope everyone shares the same interests and ideals so we do not feel so left out in the "social circle", when we confirm that we are the "majority", it gives us the notion or power that we can exclude or discard those "weirdos".

So how do we "solve" this memory?

There is no wrong in feeling that the other person is different or weird, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts, however we must not let our bias-ness get into the way of our actions. Let me give u an example, once i had a friend, whose sole interests was about pokemon, digimon, you know all the "kids stuff". whenever we came together along with our other friends, we would always talk about these few topics. and when i mean talk about it, its really extremely extensive and enthu, worse than how i talk about hockey. obviously as a "grown" teenager i felt a little awkward. At first i wasnt quite interested in what he said. however what i could do was to just lend him a listening ear, i dont have to reply him with fake interests or anything. Even just by listening attentively without saying much, even he could tell that i was trying to be appreciative. I mean topics like pokemon and digimon can be quite interesting sometimes right? who never play those games like crazy when they were young. but his knowledge of those stuff was beyond that, he really did ALOT of research to be honest. Till today, one of my other friends can tell me that the "pokemon guy" can actually be a very good talker because when he chats with us, there is no hidden motive or intention (which will most likely be my next topic so i will elaborate next time) and even though it may be childish stuff, but the way he expresses it can be quite interesting SOMETIMES, not ALL the time haha. My point is this - we dont have to completely accept those who are different, or rather those whom WE SEE differently, we just have to act accordingly and just go along with them. Who knows maybe you yourself might enjoy doing something different? Of course there are limits to each and everyone's limits, we cant possibly accept EVERYONE who we think is different or weird, otherwise we are not humans anymore, just robots.

Hopefully u dun feel that u wasted your time after reading this hahaha, if u do i apologise. I end this with a quote (every post i try to have 1 different one):

~ It is not the amount of friends you make, it is the amount of impact you make on them ~


Nevele said...

testing 123

lev said...

walao you damn lameeeee can,testing 123 hahaha.

Nevele said...

LOL who ask u so stupid think its someone =P