Monday, April 26, 2010

Memory 3: Today, we talk about the 3 hardest words to say

I realised yesterday's post is really quite rubbish hahahaha so today i decided to write on a more "practical" memory(you cant blame me, i was typing that at nearly 2am this morning). And let me emphasize again, this blog is for people to read when they have nothing else better to do, it does not have entertainment value! If i include "jokes" inside, then it will be quite anti climax.

Anyway today we are gonna talk about the 3 hardest words/phrase to say to someone, first i want to clarify that the "someone" in this memory will be the general public, not specifically someone you love or close to you or etc. So in my opinion the 3 hardest words to say to someone would be - "thank you/thanks", "sorry" and "hello". I know many might argue that "i love you" should be included but i think modern generation people now say "i love you" only to their partners, rarely said to family members now.

Lets start with "thank you" (please dont tell me thank you is 2 words instead of 1, i will really slap you or something, i know its 2 words), "Thank you" is a hard word to say because rarely people mean it. Our culture/society teaches us to say "thank you" when someone helps us or in any other similar situations. However i observe when we say "thank you" to the other party, most of the time we are just saying it out of courtesy, not because we truly mean it. Of course i am not implying that we are all hypocrites, but just that "thank you" is being used with the wrong tone and at wrong timings. Lets say for example, your friend lends you notes to study, the obvious thing to do is to say "thank you", not because you feel appreciative of his/her gesture, but mainly because you are taught to do so. The tone and timing when we say the word "thank you" are always unconvincing - or at least that is how i see it, there is not enough genuine feeling when the words come out from our mouths. And when we say it, we just say it briefly and move on to whatever we want to do. But of course some may say "why bother put feeling into the word thank you, just say la. Not like we care whether someone say thank you with feeling what, so long they say i happy enough already". Yup i agree with that, but wouldnt it be better if you let your friend know how appreciative you were? This will in turn help to make your friendship bonds stronger.

Okay now on to "sorry", saying "sorry" has the similar problem as saying "thank you", just maybe in slightly different situations. The way we normally say "sorry" to someone, is as good as just saying "paiseh", we must always be clear that "sorry" is a stronger word than "paiseh". I always receive comments that why i always say "sorry" so many times. Because i feel that saying "sorry" once is the same as everyone else, we all hear "sorry" from people almost everyday, hearing it just one time seems so normal now. That is why i want to let the other party know that i am truly sorry for the trouble or whatever i did that was wrong, repeating it a few times is my way of expressing it. Of course some of my friends know that i use "paiseh" and "sorry" depending on the severity of the situation, i dont use "sorry" that extensively also.

Lastly (i know the post very long), we move on to "hello". Alot will say "goodbye" should be the hardest word to say. Let me explain myself - saying goodbye is difficult because most of the time we relate to memories like farewells to our closest friends, etc. However it is not the action of saying goodbye that is difficult, it is the feeling of losing someone close to you that makes it seems difficult to say. However in the end you will just say it because you want that to be the "last" word to him/her. On the other hand, when i mean "hello" is a hard word to say, it does not mean the "hello"s we say to our schoolmates or friends everyday. Those "hello"s are greetings to start a conversation or just to acknowledge each other. Of course i dont see anything wrong with that, just commenting on how i feel about them. Have you ever met someone familiar on the streets which you are sure that you know them? Probably a primary school friend or someone you knew from camp? But when you two walk past each other, you dont bother to say "hello" or even wave hi. Another situation is when you see your ex or a friend whom you had a terrible past with (perhaps a quarrel, dispute or whatever it is la) at a gathering or somewhere on the streets. Those are the hardest "hello"s to say in life. There may be several reasons we dont say "hello" to those familiar faces, it may be because they are just acquaintances last time or most of the time for me, i dont want to start an awkward conversation with that person since i have not seen him/her for a very long time. But sometimes we must ask ourselves, why is it so hard to just say "hello" to that familiar face when we can do it almost everyday to people we see in our social network? Why are we avoiding the awkward-ness when we are just assuming that it would happen? Of course each and everyone has their own individual reasons, i am just trying to make a point that "hello" is one of the hardest words to say.

After reading this EXTREMELY LONG post, hopefully i did not waste your time once again hahahahaha. I really just wanna share certain common issues in life that constantly make us stop and wonder, but always unable to reach a conclusion. Hopefully some of my posts can help you reach a certain point of view to follow next time?

Once again, i "thank you" for taking time off to read but am "sorry" if i wasted your time. Hope to say "hello" to you on this blog again =)

- You cant really know where you are going, till you know where you have been -

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