Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Memory 4: We talk about being a somebody when you are a nobody

As you can see, i finally managed to trial and error my tagboard till i found the correct html area to place it hahaha. So whatever you wanna say about my posts (besides flaming me that its rubbish), pls feel free to put on the tagboard! And i realised most of you all cant be bothered to read the posts all the way from start till the end, so my suggestion is just to read the quote at the end of each post. Hopefully it "inspires" you in one way or another lol.

Today we are gonna talk about being a somebody when you are a nobody. If it is too difficult to understand the previous sentence, PLS STOP READING ALREADY. Hahahaha cause i doubt you will understand the rest also. Today's memory is dedicated to Saiful, because he was the one who inspired me to write about this memory while we were discussing something about hockey. I will explain further as we go on.

It all started on a cool and humid day on the track, Saiful and i were having a challenge during training break. After losing on the challenge (as usual), i told him i will make it to the national team in June (which is about 2 months time). Obviously he burst out into laughter and "suan" me saying that if i really do, he will kowtow to me LOL. That sentence totally "encouraged" me to the max, hahahaha Saiful if you are reading this, dont worry i am not offended, of course i know its just for laughs. However during the time that i was still trying desperately to convince him that i will make my dream come true, he told me that sometimes he misses to be a "nobody". Because we both agreed that when you are a "nobody", it is easier to be a "sombody".

Everyone, since young, always dreamt to be a "somebody". Maybe you dreamt to be a doctor, astronaut, actor, etc. We all want to be "sombody" because we desire to be recognised. Wanting to recognised is definitely not a problem, even for me i want to be recognised for alot of things - as a hockey player for example and many other things. And sometimes we just want to be recognised by ONE person instead of the general public, and that is the person we love. So we do all sorts of things to impress that special him/her/them, be it something small or big, in the end we just want others to know that we exist (to put it in a very blunt way).

So you might ask, why is it easier to be a "somebody" when you are a "nobody"?

Well lets take the earlier example to simulate a scenario. Imagine Saiful doing a special trick that is high level and looks impressive (Saiful sorry i have to use your name HAHAHAHA). Of course everyone will go "WAHHHHH" but the effect is not that powerful in a long run because he was once a national player, and to a certain extent everyone expects him to be able to pull it off. HOWEVER, imagine I was the one doing the exact same trick and still able to execute it perfectly, the "WAHHHHHH" effect will be long lasting and more powerful (that is if you guys bother to "WAHHHH" at all). Because i am just a normal player in everybody's eyes, no one special or impressive to even begin with in the first place.

The earlier example is more for trying to impress the general public, now i shall move on to impressing that special someone. Of course everyone knows how far they themselves will go to impress that special someone so i wont touch on that, however i shall talk more on trying to impress that special someone who is already a "somebody" in your social network. Allow me to illustrate this more clearly, imagine u like someone who is extremely popular or famous in school (if you dont already have), it will be more difficult for you to try to impress him/her right? Because you are just one of the many 1001 people around him trying to get closer to him/her and there is nothing significant that differentiates you from the rest (unless u are some prom king/queen, etc).

The only way to show that you truly care more for him/her than all the rest is be a "nobody". Being a "nobody" is not as simple as it seems sometimes, you have to carry on with your daily life and yet at the same time you have to show concern through little means and things that you do for that special someone. There is no point abandoning all your friends at that period of time just to chase that girl/guy, nor is it wise to sacrifice your favourite hobbies/activities so you can spend more time trying too hard to impress that "sombody". Of course many would agree that the prettiest girl/handsome guy in school will be extremely hard to get, but by sacrificing everything and focusing all your time on him/her, you are not showing your true self. In the end how would you know that the special someone likes you for who you really are? As long as you constantly show care and concern through the little things that you do, he/she will notice it no matter what as long as he/she is also interested in you. There was once a big commotion among my team on what each and everyone of us had planned to do during Valentine's Day. My coach Sam simply taught us to say this to our future girlfriends, "All i can tell you is that i am thrifty, if you love me for who i am, any day can be Valentine's day". Although it may not sound impressive here, but the way HE said it, our response was pure admiration of him LOL. Overall my main point is this, there is no point sacrificing everything and going all out trying to impress a girl/guy that may not even be interested in you at all, why not just lead your own life but constantly put in small efforts into showing your love. Only in this way then you are portraying your true self. Only in this way then you are being a "sombody" in his/her heart, when you are a "nobody".

Now we come to the end of this memory, hopefully i have as much "feel" to write my future posts as this one. Otherwise it will be another dreadful and waste of time post like Memory 2 hahaha. Pls tag on the tagboard if you wish to discuss about certain topics! I will once again leave you with a quote:

- It is not our abilities that makes us who we are, it is our choices -

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